3 Essentials To Give Your Horse A Great Education

It is our responsibility to provide the horse with a great education, or training, from the ground up. A horse that knows the best codes of conduct will have a clear framework to move with in their daily life in our human world.

We can’t expect our horses to “guess” what they should or shouldn’t do. I so often see horses that display behaviours that the owner does not like, yet they only get told off for doing so. The owner does not take the time to educate their horse on what would be preferable. The horse simply does not know, yet the relationship cannot evolve if certain behaviours keep annoying the rider.

Think about it for a second, horses are born with strong instincts encoded in their DNA. They are wired to question new places, people and things until they have sussed out that there is no danger. They are wired to run away from any perceived threat or danger. Yet, in this human world, a spooky horse or on that barges off in fear is dangerous. We created this busy and urbanised world. It is up to us to show them how to feel comfortable and relaxed in this kind of environment. It is up to us to train our horse to become greater than their instincts by creating positive experiences with what initially worries them, but also to teach them to relax when the feel fear and ultimately grow their confidence until they fully trust us, themselves and the world around them.

But all this can only be done if there is connection and clear communication with our horse first. So the journey begins by creating connection (read my post CONNECTION) and then building a two-way communication where both of you understand each other (read my post COMMUNICATION).

From there you can begin your horse’s education. I use the world education on purpose, because here we are building the foundations for a happy and well behaved horse. In my eyes, training is when you go into a specific area of expertise like dressage, jumping, western for which you want to develop your horse’s skills to reach a higher level.

Here are my 3 essentials when it comes to my horse’s education.


Safety first, always. When working with a new horse I always establish my boundaries. I make it clear to the horse that I and the space around me (approximately an arm’s length) is my own space and that cannot walk into it without being invited. There is no question about the fact that I do not allow a horse to run over me. I’m alert and teaching the horse about this at the slightest signs that they are not yet aware of my own space. And in return, I never barge into a horse’s personal space or push a horse around (I ask them to move). This sets a clear foundation that allows me to feel safe and relaxed around horses because I know how to protect my space and then, through education, I have a horse that I can fully trust to honour my boundaries, and me theirs. This creates a certain level of respect for each other, a mutual agreement that is pleasant for both of us.

I have to mention that I of course get close to my horses when it’s time for scratches and loving up on them. Sometimes they invite me in and sometimes I suggest it. I even let 2 of my horses rub their head on me in a gentle way because with the slightest expression, I can ask them to stop and move away. But first clear boundaries are set, only afterwards can we play within them. But there must be a period of total clarity in regards to your space first otherwise the horse cannot learn and will only see you as someone who is incoherent.



Teaching your horse to release to pressure is so important. It lays down the foundation for so much of what you will be teaching your horse and is an inherent part of your communication and training. Teaching your horse to not resist, but yield to pressure shows them that with everything you ask, there is always an answer. Pressure motivates a horse to move to escape the unpleasant feeling, but it is the release that teaches. So when you apply pressure on your horse, you want to become a master at the timing of the release of that pressure. That is how you create a responsive and refined horse.

But let’s start with a simple example. On the ground with a halter on your horse, stand by the horses belly and pick up the rope between thumb and index finger, guiding your hand towards the withers creating a slight tension in the rope. This will begin to apply some pressure on the opposite side of the horse’s head (specifically on the raised cheeckbone). Here you are simply asking your horse’s head to turn towards you. If you get no response, add an extra finger to your hold on the rope to add more pressure, and so on until you’re holding the rope with your hand like a fist for maximum pressure. You’re horse may give you the desired response before you get to there and that is perfect! What’s important is that the split second your horse gives you the desire response to that specific pressure point, you completely release your hand. It is the release that teaches. Your horse will soon realise that the quicker they turn their head, the sooner the pressure goes away. Now it’s about refining your feel for a super light touch and response.

This principle applies to anything your ask your horse. Whether you want them to move their shoulders, hindquarters, backup, move forward, increase speed or slow down, pick up their hoof, etc… Each specific way in which you apply pressure has a specific response. It’s up to you to teach them what that response is through the repetitive release of pressure.

Now you’ve got a foundation for great communication.


This third essential part to my horse’s education is that I let my horse know that my energy matters. Very few people are truly aware of their own energy, so it’s not something they can even use intentionally with horses. Yet our horses are finely attuned to our energy, constantly reading it because it gives them information about what action will probably come next. When you become aware of your own energy you can begin to use it intentionally and develop these deeper experience and layer of communication with your horse. This helps the horse immensely as well as deepens the connection between both of you.

I quickly teach my horse to attune their body to mine when we walk together. I first start by creating connection (so that when I walk the horse walks since they are naturally followers once in tune with us) and usually if the connection is good, when I stop they stop at a good distance from me (not walking into me). But if this is not the case, I clearly express my boundaries so they move out of my space. The intent here is that when I bring my energy up and walk on, they do the same, and when I drop my energy to a full stop, they do the same - instantly.

This exercise begins to let them know that I use my energy intentionally. When my energy rises, we move into motion. When my energy is low or drops completely, there is no more movement. This can then further be developed when working with a “Parelli stick”. The stick means something when it’s combined with energy, yet I can also wack the stick & string on the ground or wave it above my horse with low energy and my horse knows this means nothing - no response is expected, yet trust is being built.

This exercise is essentially building the foundation for another exercise called “stick to me” in which the horse follows you (on the ground) at all speeds and all directions. Their energy is matching yours.

When you take the time to get the initial small teachings right, your foundation will be rock solid. Your entire journey with your horse will be enhanced.


Crystal Clear Communication with Horses


Why True Connection Is Key To A Beautiful Partnership With Horses